Posted in depression, Life, Writing

The Power of the Pen/Writing To Heal

We all write for different reasons.  There are as many different reasons to write as there are writers.  I’ve been writing off & on my whole life.  But I didn’t give it any real merit or take it seriously until around 2011.  Now, writing is a huge part of my life.  One that I could not imagine being without.

My blog is a mixture of all kinds of things.  From my personal experiences to the daydreams of short stories or poetry.  It’s filled with my life.  My hopes, my dreams, and my tragedies, fears, and setbacks.

But more than anything, it’s filled with healing.

Through my writing, I’ve been able to put voice to the many experiences in my life.  This expression is an outlet.  A way to shout, scream, kick the dog (figuratively, of course. I would NEVER kick sweet Rocket), cry or sing, soar and rejoice.

It’s a way to heal.

But not just for me.  I hope that some of my writing has touched others.  I’ve written many times about depression and its devastation on people.  I’ve also written about family, loves and loss.

I have heard from several people that appreciate my writings and my attempt to inform and educate.  I appreciate this more than you could ever know.  

If my writing has touched you in some small way; if it has helped you heal in some small way, that makes me extremely happy.  If my writing made you smile on a day where it was tough to smile, then it’s all been worth it.  Because that’s what writers do.  They touch others’ lives through their writing.

As always, thank you for joining me on this journey.  ❤ Penny

Copyright (C) 2024 Penny Wilson, All Rights Reserved

Posted in Life, Writing

10th Anniversary

10 Year Anniversary Achievement
Happy Anniversary with!
You registered on 10 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

The above message showed up for me a couple of days ago.  Wow, 10 years!  WordPress has done so much for me.  It gives me a platform to express myself and let my voice be heard.  Here, I’m as creative as I wish to be.  I am so very blessed to have made the friends that I have here over the years.  Your support, kindness and encouragement has been invaluable.  I am thankful to each of you for taking the time to read my words.  Thank you for joining me on this journey.  Penny

Posted in Prose

Modern Day Knight


One day in the dark of the forest, down at the bottom of that deep, dark well, he came to me.

His arms, strong, but tender, raised me from the depths of that well.

The blue of his eyes shone through the night as if the light were coming from within.

I discovered this man was a mere mortal of flesh and blood.  The light I saw in his eyes was that of an honorable man.  The honor this man carried with pride, was that of rare and unimaginable beauty.

I knew he was a man, with weaknesses as men have.  But I saw what was inside.  He was a Nobleman of Old.  He saw the demons and beasts that few of us see.  He would give his life to slay them.

He thought his life was better served on the battlefield.

This man had no sword or armor, as we would normally see with a Knight.   He relied on his instincts and his brethren in the heat of battle.

My hand touched his, one last time, as he turned his shining eyes away.  I knew he couldn’t stay.  He had paused on his quest just long enough to give me a glimpse of himself.  There were battles to be fought and dragons to slay.

Beautiful artwork by Murphy Elliott

*I originally penned this in 2014.  I came across it recently and decided that it deserved a 2nd outing.  I hope you enjoyed it.  

Copyright (C) 2014 Penny Wilson All Rights Reserved

Posted in Life, quotes

Live For Something

“It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.”

—Dr. Leo Buscaglia (1924-1998)
professor, author

Posted in Poetry


I don’t mourn my yesterdays. 

I look back in wonder.   

How in the world was I ever so fearless, so naive, so gullible?  

I was impatient, irrational, irresponsible.  

I fell in love often, easily.  

I caused pain and was hurt, a lot.  

I was shameful and shameless.

I was also blissful, joyus, elated, jubilant, and thrilled beyond belief.  

I was careless, reckless, thoughtless and negligent.  

I was passionate and approached life confidently and courageously.  

I was all these things and more.  

I thank my Maker for every minute.

Copyright (C) 2023 Penny Wilson


Posted in Poetry

Memory of You

The memory of you washed over me

Like always 
you took my breath away
and left me weak

It shook me to my core to recognize 
that my love for you is still this strong 

this unrelenting  

I let myself feel you 
love you 
experience you 

I know now 
that you'll always be with me 

yet comforting 
to know you'll always be 
in my heart 

where you've always been 

Copyright (C) 2023 Penny Wilson
*A little something new. I hope you enjoy. <3 
Posted in Life, Prose, Uncategorized, Writing



When you look at me, do you see the passions of a young girl?  Do you see me?

These hands once held a favorite baby doll. They tenderly held a lover.  They held a child to comfort and a spouse as they passed.

These feet, skipped, danced and played in the rain.  They wore high heels and hiking boots.

I once told secrets in the dark, giggling with childish delight.   I ran and jumped and fought imaginary pirates, or cowboys.

These eyes, were once sparkling and clear.  Behind them lay the heart of adventure and daring.  Yesterday my long dark hair would fly behind me as I chased tomorrow.

Now my body moves slowly and the aches and pains are many.  My hair is thin and silver.  My memory of yesterday is not as clear as it once was.

When you look at me, do you see me?  Or do you see the withered shell?

Copyright (C) 2023 Penny Wilson

*A version of this was originally penned in 2016. I hope you enjoyed this revision.


Posted in Life, quotes


“The purpose that you wish to find in life, like a cure you seek, is not going to fall from the sky. …I believe purpose is something for which one is responsible; it’s not just divinely assigned.”

—Michael J. Fox (born 1961)
Actor, activist

Posted in Life, Stories

My Past Life… – Thankful and Blessed


My very early childhood was unusual, to say the least.  My brothers, mother and I moved a LOT.  I’ve been told I was born with wheels on my butt.

My mother left and divorced my birth-father when I was very young.  My father was a timber-faller.  We lived quite modestly. 

Mom then married a man a that was a migrant worker.  As a family, we followed the fruit, picking as we went, to earn a living.  We lived in Picker’s Cabins or tents or the back of the station wagon.

This was in the early 1960’s.   Although many black people did this type of work, people don’t realize that in the 1960’s, a large percentage of the migrant workers were white families, just like mine.  Today, the migrant workers are mostly Hispanic.  The working conditions are no better today, in fact in some instances, they are worse.

Most of the Picker’s Cabins had no running water or electricity.  Women cooked on communal stoves or over open fires.  The toilets, if there were any, were few and in disgraceful disrepair.  In a lot of cases, there were only outhouses.

There were few laundry facilities.  Most of the time, clothing was washed by hand and hung to dry.


In some of the cabins, the property owners provided bales of straw to use as bedding and insulation.  In some instances, you didn’t even get that.  The more generous ones provided crude bunk beds.  

I was lucky.  My mother and step-father were prepared.  We had a nice canvas tent and bedding or sleeping bags.

My mother became very adept at cooking over an open fire.  She was amazing!

Washing and sanitary conditions were a challenge.  The water came from a single faucet for all the workers in most instances.  Water had to be carried for washing, bathing or cooking.

I have 3 brothers; two older brothers and one younger one.  My brothers and I spent our days out in the fields with my parents.  We weren’t much help as far as the picking went, but my mother could keep an eye on us as she worked.

I can imagine the hardship on her with 4 children living in these conditions.  My younger brother was just a toddler at the time.


The migrant workers were exploited at every turn.  Many were uneducated and illiterate.  In some instances, the workers would end up owing more money to the owner’s ‘store’ than they had earned; thus, keeping them working for little or nothing instead of moving on.

There was often times a “boss” on the farm that the workers reported to, depending on how large the farm was.  Sometimes the boss would skim off the top of the worker’s wages.  They would be quoted one price upon arrival at the farm, but when payday came, they were at the mercy of the boss.  If they complained, they were simply run off the farm.  This meant they were out of work.

There were many horrors that took place on these farms; anything from rapes, to murders and exploitation.  These people were at the mercy of the farmer.

I was fortunate.  This lifestyle didn’t last long.  I think we were on the road for a couple of years.  I was also lucky that I was so young.  It’s just the way life was; I knew no different.

This is a part of history that most Americans have forgotten or don’t know about.  This is a shameful, dark part of our own culture.

If you’d like to learn more about this time in American history, I invite you to watch this video. This video was broadcast on Thanksgiving Day in 1960.  It’s called “Harvest of Shame”.  See it HERE. While most of it is set in Florida and the east coast, I was on the west coast as a kid.  It is still an eye opener.  

*There was a followup video made of the 1960 version called “Harvest of Shame Revisited“.  This was made in 2010.  While the conditions and pay had improved, it is still a very hard way to live. You can see that video HERE.

**With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I felt that this post, originally from 2014, but modified here, was appropriate.  Although I had a rough start in life, (Another Life to me) I feel that it has shaped me into the person that I am today.  A person that I am grateful to be, with a life that I am so very blessed to have.  Thank you for joining me on this journey.  

Copyright (C) 2022 Penny Wilson