Posted in Life, mental illness

Help Needed – Therapy Information, Please

I Need Your Help.

I recently had a conversation with a friend who is in need of therapy, as her benefits will soon be expiring.  Where can she turn?  

I’ve been in this situation.  Through my previous employer, I had 3 sessions with a therapist available to me covered by insurance.  3 sessions, didn’t even begin to scratch the surface.  After that, I was on my own to figure out how to pay for it.  

So I started digging into Affordable mental health therapy.  After a few Click Bait websites, I basically found nothing.  I did find one site that would offer me online sessions based on my income.  But even that was too expensive.  

I have a Mental Health Help Page where I have listed contacts for those in crisis, and other resources and articles for those struggling.  BUT… I have NO information for options of Free or Affordable Therapy.  

So I am asking for your help with this.  If you have information on this Much Needed Subject, would you please do what you can to get that information to me?  I’m in the US, but I need info for those not living in the US as well.  Anything information that you can come up with would be appreciated.  

Please, either leave the information in the comments below, use my Contact Page, or simply email me at

Thank you!!


Penny Wilson is an international writer who writes in several genres. She has written articles for WOW Women on Writing. Her poetry has been published in online journals, such as Ariel Chart, Spill Words Press and the Poppy Road Review. Penny is a member of the Austin Poetry Society. Her poetry has been featured in the publication America's Emerging Poets 2018 & 2019 by Z Publishing and Poets Quarterly and Dual Coast Magazine published by Prolific Press. Most recently, you can find her poetry in an anthology by WordCrafter Press called Poetry Treasures. Penny is an advocate for Mental Health Awareness and has the page "Mental Health Help" on her blog. She writes about the struggles of mental illnesses and Depression. She is passionate about spreading awareness for Suicide Prevention and Domestic Abuse. She expresses her passion through her writings of poetry and life experiences. You can find more of her writings on her blog at

27 thoughts on “Help Needed – Therapy Information, Please

  1. This is such a sweet post by you, My Dear! I’m guessing they are not old enough for medicare or medicaid? I would see if you might be able to hook up with a pastor or two who may have some answers?


  2. I know our county’s Health and Hman services division has a directory of low and no cost professionals, I wonder if they can help?


  3. Hi Penny, I feel for you and your friend but this is one reason I’m glad I live in the UK. While for years mental health has been a low priority in the Health Service, things are improving here on that note. I hope your friend can get the help they need.


  4. Penny, this simply infuriates me, this three mental health visit limitation put on by an insurance company. So ridiculous! Of course, three sessions aren’t nearly enough. I fail to understand why mental health is treated differently than any other health condition. We have a long ways to go. I am beyond frustrated.

    The National Alliance on Mental Illness may be able to offer help in directing to resources and certainly in support. There are national and state chapters and sometimes local offices in larger communities. So kind of you to try and help your friend.


    1. I don’t understand the reasoning behind the 3 visit limitation either. I think they are simply looking at a immediate crisis situation only. Nothing longer. It stinks.

      Thank you for the suggestion of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. That’s a resource that I never thought of.
      Thank you so much, Audrey. ❤ ❤


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