Posted in Poetry, Prose

Dragons in the Dark


My dragons burrow deep and sleep the sleep of the evil.  They lie in wait.  They make sure I have my defenses down; that I am once again comfortable in my own skin.

My peripheral vision sees the shadow of these beasts occasionally as they melt into the background.  I try as I might to catch them before they are loose, but they are too clever.

These dragons will creep into my room and sit at the foot of my bed, watching as I slumber.  I have fooled them only once; feigning sleep as their foul breath assaults my senses.  The stench of their evil is almost overwhelming.

I have awakened on many moonless nights, sure I would see them.  My heart is in my throat as I sweep the room.  I must be sure to catch them if they linger.  All that lingers is the cold sweat that penetrates my gown and their stench.  Sleep will elude me this night, for the dragons have already started their assault.

With the dawn, I greet the day with trepidation.  How will the dragons manifest this time?  Will I find myself once again in the dark?  Will I be alone with my dragons, with nothing more than hope to see my way back into the light?

As I lock the front door and walk down the street, I can feel the dragons’ breath on my neck….

Amazing image found on Google Images.  Credit to the wonderful artist that created it.  

Copyright (C) 2014 Penny Wilson All Rights Reserved

*This piece was written about my struggle over the years with Depression. I’m in a good place these days, thank God.  But my mind has been on the ongoing struggle that many have with Mental Illness.  The Struggle IS Real.  For Help and articles that I’ve compiled and written on the subject, please visit my Mental Health Help Page HERE.

Please also see my recent post, asking for your help with much needed resources, HERE. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Posted in Life, Stories


There were four of us kids growing up.  I’m the only girl.  I love my brothers.  I really do.  I even loved them, admired and respected them when we were children.  But this (the picture above) is usually what most interactions looked like between me and my brothers.

We fought horribly!  All. The. Time.

I’m sort of in the middle in birth order.  I have 2 older brothers and one younger one.  My poor, sweet younger brother…  Since I could not direct my anger at my older brothers, I aimed my hatred for the male species at him.

Continue reading “Siblings”

Posted in Prose

Dragons in the Dark


My dragons burrow deep and sleep the sleep of the evil.  They lie in wait.  They make sure I have my defenses down; that I am once again comfortable in my own skin.

My peripheral vision sees the shadow of these beasts occasionally as they melt into the background.  I try as I might to catch them before they are loose, but they are too clever.

These dragons will creep into my room and sit at the foot of my bed, watching as I slumber.  I have fooled them only once; feigning sleep as their fowl breath assaults my senses.  The stench of their evil is almost overwhelming.

I have awakened on many moonless nights, sure I would see them.  My heart is in my throat as I sweep the room.  I must be sure to catch them if they linger.  All that lingers is the cold sweat that penetrates my gown and their stench.

My hands shake as I toss my gown to the floor.   Sliding back into bed, I stare at the ceiling.  Sleep will elude me this night, for the dragons have already started their assault.

With the dawn, I greet the day with trepidation.  How will the dragons manifest this time?  Will I find myself once again in the dark?  Alone with my dragons, with nothing more than hope to see me way back into the light.

As I lock the front door and walk down the street, I can feel the dragons’ breath on my neck….


Amazing image found on Google Images.  Credit to the wonderful artist that created it.  

(C) 2014 Penny Wilson