Posted in depression, Life, Writing

The Power of the Pen/Writing To Heal

We all write for different reasons.  There are as many different reasons to write as there are writers.  I’ve been writing off & on my whole life.  But I didn’t give it any real merit or take it seriously until a few years ago.  Now, writing is a huge part of my life.  One that I could not imagine being without.

My blog is a mixture of all kinds of things.  From my personal experiences to the daydreams of short stories or poetry.  It’s filled with my life.  My hopes, my dreams, and my tragedies, fears, and setbacks.

But more than anything, it’s filled with healing.

Through my writing, I’ve been able to put voice to the many experiences in my life.  This expression is an outlet.  A way to shout, scream, kick the dog (figuratively, of course. I would NEVER kick sweet Rocket), cry or sing, soar and rejoice.

It’s a way to heal.

But not just for me.  I hope that some of my writing has touched others.  I’ve written many times about depression and its devastation on people.  I’ve also written about family, loves and loss.

If my writing has touched you in some small way; if it has helped you heal in some small way, that makes me extremely happy.  If my writing made you smile on a day where it was tough to smile, then it’s all been worth it.  Because that’s what writers do.  They touch others’ lives through their writing.

As always, thank you for joining me on this journey.  ❤ Penny


Penny Wilson is an international writer who writes in several genres. She has written articles for WOW Women on Writing. Her poetry has been published in online journals, such as Ariel Chart, Spill Words Press and the Poppy Road Review. Penny is a member of the Austin Poetry Society. Her poetry has been featured in the publication America's Emerging Poets 2018 & 2019 by Z Publishing and Poets Quarterly and Dual Coast Magazine published by Prolific Press. Most recently, you can find her poetry in an anthology by WordCrafter Press called Poetry Treasures. Penny is an advocate for Mental Health Awareness and has the page "Mental Health Help" on her blog. She writes about the struggles of mental illnesses and Depression. She is passionate about spreading awareness for Suicide Prevention and Domestic Abuse. She expresses her passion through her writings of poetry and life experiences. You can find more of her writings on her blog at

19 thoughts on “The Power of the Pen/Writing To Heal

      1. So you’ve been helping yourself heal through writing? That’s amazing!

        If there’s anything you need. Hit me up. I’ve been giving therapy to 3000+ people online. Would love to be there for you!


  1. I agree, writing a blog is healing. I think any creative outlet for our emotions is a good thing. My blog is similar to yours in that it’s a mix up of anything and everything in my life!
    Just keep writing and keep healing x 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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