Posted in Poetry


I can't breathe

I reach for the sunlight
but your presence

blocking the light 

your immersion
well intended

my pleas
on deaf ears 

must be nurtured

given nourishment

and room 
to grow

Copyright (C) 2019 Penny Wilson 

*The original version of this was written in 2018. I like the flow
of this version better. I hope you enjoyed it.  
Image by monicore from Pixabay
Posted in Poetry

Falling Star


Resplendent and 

Wings spread 

among the celestial   

Caught up 
in a world 

Too fast

Quickly falling 
from grace  
from the heavens 

In a rush 
to grow 
to experience

This falling Star

Flaming briefly 
only to die out 

all too soon

Copyright (C) 2019 Penny Wilson


Posted in Life, Prose

A Lifetime Of Thank Yous


How do you say thank you to someone who has always been there for you?  She has been my biggest supporter, my biggest cheerleader, no matter what I wanted to do.  She’s always had my back.

This little woman is a ball of dynamite.  She is a true lady in every sense of the word, but will cut you down to the stumps like a she-bear protecting her young if you dare hurt anyone she loves.

She is an enigma.  She has been ill off & on most of her life.  She’s been misdiagnosed and was supposed to die several times.  But you cannot keep her down.  She powers on and has proved the doctors wrong over and over again.

The doctors did finally come up with a diagnosis, but that hasn’t stopped her.  Although her condition is degenerative, she keeps on keeping on.

Despite her hardships, which have been many, she is the most positive and optimistic person I have ever met.  She has been the most positive influence in my life.

This woman has seen me at my best and at my worst.  She loves me no matter what.

She’s been there to hold my hand through the hard times and to cheer me on when I try something new.

Through her eyes, I have seen the power of prayer at work and now believe; where once I did not.  How can you repay someone for a gift this precious?

We met as young women, not much more than children.  We have seen each other grow, change and age.  We have known each other’s children, loves and siblings.  We have known birth and death in each other’s lives.

Once we had the world at our feet; a lifetime ahead of us.  We laughed at the thought of tomorrow.

The next day, we share stories of our aches, pains and wrinkles.  Where did yesterday go?

Who is she?  “Friend” is not a strong enough word.  She is my Best Friend.  But she is also the Sister I never had.  She’s been confidant, a shoulder to lean on, a hand up, and just someone I could always turn to.  She is also that person that will give it to me straight when I need a good kick in the butt.

A lifetime has passed between us.  I cannot imagine how empty my life would have been without her in it.  I am richer, wiser and a better person because of her.

We have shared births, deaths, marriages, divorce, tears, sorrow, happiness, joy and laughter.   Most of all Joy and Laughter….

To this amazing woman, I say thank you.  Thank you for sharing your life with me.

Copyright (C) Penny Wilson