Posted in Life

Let’s Change EVERYTHING!

Although I love my little house, since buying it, I’ve realized that there are a lot of things that I want to change. Mostly…everything.  🙂  Most of the interior paint colors are very dark.  While dark colors can be chic, on cloudy days, I felt as though I was living in a cave.  😦  And the previous owners did a sloppy job of painting.

So the first room I wanted to tackle is the living room.  The picture above is the BEFORE picture.  Below is the AFTER.

Huge difference!  It really brightened up the space!

The room in the distance is my kitchen.  That will be the next room to paint.

The living room flows into a hallway that leads to the bathroom and bedrooms.  I had to decide how FAR I wanted to go with the painting.  Below is the hallway BEFORE.

The hallway goes down and then turns to the right toward 2 more bedrooms.  Below is the AFTER picture.

I decided to go just as far as the first bedroom before the hall made that right turn.  I figured that was a good place to stop.

Every room needs to be repainted.  Seriously.  EVERY room.  I hate the flooring in the kitchen and bathroom.  It’s way too dark.  Almost black.  The bathroom walls all need to be resurfaced.  So that whole room needs an update.

That’s what I meant about changing Everything!

There is still a LOT more to do.  But I sure feel good about what I’ve done so far.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! ❤


Penny Wilson is an international writer who writes in several genres. She has written articles for WOW Women on Writing. Her poetry has been published in online journals, such as Ariel Chart, Spill Words Press and the Poppy Road Review. Penny is a member of the Austin Poetry Society. Her poetry has been featured in the publication America's Emerging Poets 2018 & 2019 by Z Publishing and Poets Quarterly and Dual Coast Magazine published by Prolific Press. Most recently, you can find her poetry in an anthology by WordCrafter Press called Poetry Treasures. Penny is an advocate for Mental Health Awareness and has the page "Mental Health Help" on her blog. She writes about the struggles of mental illnesses and Depression. She is passionate about spreading awareness for Suicide Prevention and Domestic Abuse. She expresses her passion through her writings of poetry and life experiences. You can find more of her writings on her blog at

19 thoughts on “Let’s Change EVERYTHING!

  1. There is something very satisfying and wonderful about putting your own stamp on where you live. It really makes it your own. Keep up the good work, as it looks great!


  2. When we moved into our current house the back ( north facing ) bedroom was dark blue – it took three coats of yellow to make it sunny! Well done with alll your painting, it does look good.


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