Posted in Life

Getting Ready to Get Ready….

I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in a while.  Between getting the new location ready, work and packing and organizing things for the move, I am just bone tired.  I know it will all be worth it, but I’m wore down to a nub.  🙂  My move date is the 14th, so this will be my last weekend to finish ALL of the packing.

I’ve got piles of mess everywhere, in preparation for the move.  I have looked for something that is already packed a few times.  So everything is pretty much in chaos.  Stressful for me to have my life so disorganized.

I’m not sleeping very well either.  My brain just won’t shut down.  I keep thinking about everything that still needs to be done!

I will get back to a regular posting schedule eventually, but it’s going to be a few weeks.  I will continue to peek in when I can, I miss you guys!

Thanks for joining me on this journey!  Penny ❤