Posted in Life, quotes


“The purpose that you wish to find in life, like a cure you seek, is not going to fall from the sky. …I believe purpose is something for which one is responsible; it’s not just divinely assigned.”

—Michael J. Fox (born 1961)
Actor, activist

Posted in Life

You’re Not In Charge

Hello, my WordPress community. 🙂  I know you haven’t heard much of me lately and I apologize for that. In the crazy reality of today’s world, I hope that all of you are well and are staying safe.

I am well. I took a few days off work and just spent some quiet time at home, sleeping late, sewing masks, taking naps and catching up on my TV shows.

Being an introvert, spending time alone, at home, is not as hard on me as it would be on some people. I use this quiet time to recharge. I think that the current state of the world has had me stressed. (no big surprise there, right?) So quiet and rest is just what I’ve needed.

A few of you have reached out wondering about me.  I don’t mean to worry anyone.  I so appreciate your thoughtfulness! ❤  I am mostly doing alright.  I think that like a lot of people, are in disbelief about the state of the world.  All we can do, is all we can do, right?

I think that the best advice I would give anyone struggling to come to terms with the pandemic, is to simply tell them to find their purpose.  With purpose, you will always move forward, not sit dwelling on the what ifs.  It’s not easy to smile and be optimistic on some days, I get that.  Just Do What You Can.  Leave the rest to your higher power.  You’re not in charge, remember?

Be well and stay safe my friends.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.  ❤  Penny