Posted in Prose

Spring’s Celebration

*Spring is my favorite time of year.  So in honor of the first day of spring… 

The first blush of spring.  When the flowers begin their peek out of the soil seeking the sun.  A time of New Beginnings.   A time of Rebirth and Fresh Starts.

What a joy to behold!

The world shucks off its grey shroud of winter and dons a bright floral frock for all to see.  The trees rejoice as they come back from the death-grip of winter.  They show off their gentle blossoms that rain down in the gentle spring breezes.  Glorious fragrances fill the air.

Mother nature is a joyful noise as the newborn explore and scurry, worrying their mothers as they do so.

The rivers and streams, their waters set loose from winter’s icy grip are now running with abandon.  They dance and play as they tumble over rocks and laugh their way down water falls.

The entire Earth is in celebration as it reawakens from it’s winter’s sleep.

Spring’s Celebration! 

Copyright © 2018 Penny Wilson 


Penny Wilson is an international writer who writes in several genres. She has written articles for WOW Women on Writing. Her poetry has been published in online journals, such as Ariel Chart, Spill Words Press and the Poppy Road Review. Penny is a member of the Austin Poetry Society. Her poetry has been featured in the publication America's Emerging Poets 2018 & 2019 by Z Publishing and Poets Quarterly and Dual Coast Magazine published by Prolific Press. Most recently, you can find her poetry in an anthology by WordCrafter Press called Poetry Treasures. Penny is an advocate for Mental Health Awareness and has the page "Mental Health Help" on her blog. She writes about the struggles of mental illnesses and Depression. She is passionate about spreading awareness for Suicide Prevention and Domestic Abuse. She expresses her passion through her writings of poetry and life experiences. You can find more of her writings on her blog at

23 thoughts on “Spring’s Celebration

      1. That is winter for. Autumn can still have warm days and the reds and golds of the leaves look warm. It would be a dull world if we were all the same. I respect your individuality. ☺


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